Welcome to Little Rabbit, where locally sourced fruit, vegetables, and fungi are finessed into delicate morsels that showcase the true flavours and textures of these ingredients. With skillfully prepared and beautifully presented plates, the Little Rabbit is fine-dining that appreciates simple food and the world of flavours that exists in vegetarian food.
From start to finish, the Little Rabbit takes you on a culinary journey, beginning with the menu. The cover design is simple, yet elegant creating a sense of wonder and mystery. The sliver of the moon catches your eye, as your gaze moves downward following the thin line running along the cover. You unfold first flap and the line appears to continue leading your eyes to the little rabbit gently gazing up, presenting with your first course, the Fresh Starts. I chose the symbol of a perfect herbivore to convey the dainty and delicate nature of the restaurant's dinning experience. 
The owners were looking to update their brand, including their logo, name, and menus (print and digital) to reach a more high-end customer base. They wanted more rich color, clarity and an overall opulent feel conveyed to customers. Using Illustrator and InDesign, I created an elegant, clean look. To balance the negative space, I intentionally placed fine lines and silhouettes to add a sense of exquisiteness and mystery. These elements also serve to visually guide the viewers through the menu. ​​​​​​​
One of the challenges for this design was the dim lighting of the restaurant, as it is only open in the evening. To ensure both print and digital menus were well suited for the ambient lighting, I chose a dark blue as the primary color for the covers, to depict the night sky. It adds a beautiful and elegant feel, which is well contrasted by the silver-like light blue silhouettes of the rabbit and the crescent moon. For the inside of the menu, I went with a light grayish yellow to add a hint of restrained warmth to balance the dark blue.
Created using Adobe Illustrator and InDesign. 
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