The Cheeshole is a local, independently owned cheese shop offering a carefully curated selection of local cheeses. Throughout the year, they run a number of cheese-making workshops and tasting events. While their love affair of all things cheese is undeniable, their mission is simple: bring people together and spark a passion.
The owners were looking to re-brand their business and services to attract new young clientele. They wanted to convey an engaging and delightful experience. The goal was to create a connection with the audience that leads to lasting impressions. Using Illustrator and Photoshop, I put together a marketing package with a new custom logo and a series of prints (posters, split page ad, and handout) and social ads to promote their services to young audience (18-35 years old).
In order to reach and connect with new clientele, I wanted to establish a positive emotional connection to the brand early on. I chose images with warm yellow colors to express happiness, cheerfulness and fun. The tag lines are playful, connecting positive feelings, memories and experiences to cheese, while the line work illustrations bring the images to life, making the marketing pieces fun and engaging. 
The idea behind the mouse in the logo and throughout the ads is to engage the senses. Mice love cheese, or so the notion goes. Seeing mice sniffing and eating cheese, brings about an awareness of tastes, smells, and textures creates a sensory experience that the consumer can anticipate from the brand. 
As part of the brand package, I also designed merchandise that adds to the overall engaging and fun experience that The Cheesehole has to offer. It is all about allowing the cheese and The Cheesehole to bring people together. 
Created using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
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